Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reading is dreaming with eyes open

Reading is not my passion or anything but I do enjoy reading a good book once in a while. 
Trust me, when I get into a book I'll barely let the book down until I finish it. I can get so hooked up into a book and I love that feeling. 
The first book that I actually read for fun and got really into was the Twilight series. I read all four books and loved it. I got so into it, I would finish the books in less than 2 weeks. 
The second book I read was Cique Du Freak and am still reading the series. There like 12 books in total I believe but they aren't long. But I really like them. 

I just realized right now.. I read books after watching the movie. If I like a movie and find out it came from a book, I'll read it and read the series also. 

The fault in our stars I actually read before watching the movie because I would see a picture of the book everywhere so I decided to find out what the book was about. 

I'm not good at choosing books to read so I always go by other people's recommendations.
So if you come across this post and have any good books in mind for me to read, I would really appreciate it if you let me know in the comments section below. Thanks 

                        ❃ ❁ ❂

1 comment:

  1. I'm not very good at choosing what books to read either. Sometimes I read books after watching the movie too, because it gets me interested in the story. Nice blog btw. Let me know if you want to follow each other.


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